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All the Cozy Things #5

All the Cozy Things #5

I am a list maker. I have been for a long time.  For whatever psychological reason, I get things done better when I have a list.  And there is such a great feeling of accomplishment to be able to cross it off when it’s finished! One of the things I’ve ALWAYS made a list for is spring cleaning my house.  It looks kind of like this:   Living Room: Dust ceiling. Dust north wall and everything on it. Dust south wall and everything on it. You get the idea.  I just work my way down the list, and pretty soon...

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All the Cozy Things #4

All the Cozy Things #4

I’ve been making stuff for close to 30 years now.  I’ve always used words and quotes in the things I’ve made.  A lot of them never grow old, but I’m always looking for new ones. While I’m working, I usually have the TV on.  I go in spurts:  I’ll watch every episode of The Golden Girls, ‘cuz those ladies were FUNNY!   Then I’ll watch all of Law and Order:  SVU.  Lately, I’ve been binge-watching the renovation shows on HGTV—the normal “anywhere” ones, the lake ones, and the beach ones. Those shows have made me think I could do some...

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All the Cozy Things, #3

All the Cozy Things, #3

  Years ago, fifteen I’d guess, my mom, dad, aunt, uncle, and I did the White Pole Road garage sales.  We didn’t have time to stop at all the sales, but it was a really full, fun, laid-back, cozy kind of day.  We stopped for lunch along the way, we found a few treasures, and as the neighborhood reporter in the Earlham Echo used to say, years ago, a good time was had by all. By mid-afternoon, we were getting slap-happy.  Things that weren’t really funny, all of a sudden were.  Things that were already funny, became hilarious. We stopped...

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All the Cozy Things, #2

All the Cozy Things, #2

    I love this Hoosier cabinet.  It’s just a piece of furniture, scratched and scarred, broken in places, but that’s part of why I love it.  It has stories to tell.  My mom and dad got it when they opened A Different Drummer Gift Shop in Earlham.  Christmas Open House was always the best part of the year at the shop, and the cabinet was kind of the queen.  She was filled with evergreen and pinecones, and decorations my folks had made to sell.  And of course, a big pot of yummy cider and homemade cookies and candy sat...

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All the Cozy Things, #1

All the Cozy Things, #1

All the Cozy Things, #1   Growing up, I shared a bedroom with my brother, who is four years younger than me.  Yep, the annoying little brother.  It was a small room, and I never really had a spot to call my own, so I went in search of one.   In the living room, there was an overstuffed chair in one corner, which left a nice little triangle of space behind it.  I was probably about eight when I decided it was the perfect spot to make my own.  A pillow, a blanket, some chocolate and a stack of...

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